Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog #10: Duty or Choice

      Is the Affordable Care Act a modern manifestation of Classical Republicanism or an infringement upon our Natural Rights?
          Yes. The Affordable Care Act is an infringement upon the Natural Rights. According to the "Summary of the Affordable Care Act", everybody has to buy the insurance; the cost of insurance takes 8% of their annual income. Otherwise, if they don't buy the insurance, there is a charge of $695 as a penalty. Natural Rights is your right to do whatever is good for you or for others, the ability to help you or others, and also allow you do whatever you want but no harm to others. Buying health insurance helps you in case of not feeling well or having signs of illness, prevent bankruptcy and other issues. But also, part of your payment for health insurance and others will be granted for hardship and immigrants, etc. This is for the good of others by taking part of your money and helps them. Speaking technically, people who live well without signs of illness still have to pay for their penalty, because it's the laws' rule. This is Classic Republicanism type (obey the laws the government has made) but more on against the Natural Rights (because the advantage from the penalty is not necessary, and for those who live healthy don't want to pay the charge, they still have to pay for it). Because it's required from laws and keep pushing people to pay for it, then it's more like an infringement.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog #9: Current Event II (North Korea)

Holehouse, Matthew. "Move to North Korea If You Want to Trust Politicians." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 03 Aug. 0013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

Summary: Taking about  political system, "Dictatorship & Communist system" would be the two that have gained the most "trusts" from people, whoever, people in the country no matter old or young, they all have to to follow and obey every commands a leader willing to speak out.  Although, unlike the two above, democracy and republic are different, ruling a government or a country require a big "YES" from people to make changes. Mention only government members, some politicians may agree on the plan that a leader (or a president) have discuss about, but later on, they secretly make things happen in order to stop it work. Is every government or some government have a good trust on the politicians? The article "Move to North Korea if you want  to trust politicians" - Matthew Holehouse, political correspondent, he has wrote this article based on a speak of Eric Pickles

Who? The communities secretary, Erik Pickles has a statement on the most trusted government that he had mentioned, Dictatorship and Communism.
What? He was saying how the members in the government act out to please their leader in the meaning of "I'm trusting you". No doubt on what he's saying, "Cynicism is good. You should always doubt people who have power. Power does corrupt." Yes, folks that are the members of the political system and aware of what would happen. Less power folks, they are affair of being kick out by a leader, because this is a dictatorship system. So they have to be really carefully on behaviors and attitude to their leader, such keep applauding nonstop as Pickle mentioned later. Because the members in political system are having a wealthy life and good condition for their children, yet, they might have others reason. However, it's a bad idea for them to against the government, they could be in trouble later.
When? & Where?  On 13 Nov 2013, Matthew Holehouse evolved the conversation that Mr. Pickles had talked at Oxford Union.
Why? Mr. Pickles wonders what could be the request to restore trust in politics. Because after the event of the "Shutdown of White House", it seems like a good topic to discuss about.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blog #8: DJ TJ, yo!

          Let these truths to be the perfect facts for the Rights of People, the utopia world for people as they would live in. All men and women are created equally to live on this planet, wherever people are living, they have the Rights to live as human. The Liberty, Happiness, Sacrifice, the delightful symbols for perfect form of government. Live strong and free as eagles fly among the big blue sky, be happy with the living of love, sacrifice something to find the best that connects the community. The form of government shall not be tyranny, shall not follow the evil's pathway of selfishness. Here, the statement of strong rule, "Live for the good of people, they will live for the good of you. We all shall share love and present the rights for others, and to develop virtual environment rather than live for the bad side of stupidity. System of Government is the former of people, people are the government, protect the Rights of people as protect the government; without people, there's no government. People deserve the ability to show their morals to others but not the tragedy of harm. Show other countries the history of Great Britain as an example of the freedom independent state; establish the non-tyranny institution states for people to find their utopia world. Let these truths stay strong as for future secure of people, to prove that this world has hope for everybody who wants their rights.

Blog #7: Locke and State of Nature

      "According to Locke, the State of Nature, the natural condition of mankind, is a state of perfect and complete liberty to conduct one's life as one best sees fit, free from the interference of others. This does not mean, however, that it is a state of license: one is not free to do anything at all one please, or even anything that one judges to be in one's interest." - page 1, paragraph 3.
          -In the phrase, "The natural condition of mankind... free from interference of others", the author pressed hard on the key point that human are born with nature ability, human automatically would find out the best environment they want to live in. The understanding of human allowed them to have good decision on how to survive and live well.    
          -In the phrase, "This does not mean... one judge to be in one's interest." It's people's rights to do what they want, but there's a limit of that. It's unlawful to harm others and against human's rights. For example, in other hand, the U.S Government allows citizens to have freedom speeches, in the other hand, it's against the laws speak of hate (really hate on other groups).  The author, Friend, wants to show that Locke a person who is on the balance scale of justice. The author expressed that Locke cares about humans rights and freedom, there is the rights for human to do what they are interested in but also have a limit of what would they do. Humans need to be wise to make the right decisions.

      "The State of Nature is pre-political, but it is not pre-moral." - page 1, paragraph 3. 
          -In this phrase text, the author meant "pre-political, but it is not pre-moral, humans are born with their moral, rights and freedom, treat others kind and well. Thus, without government, State of Nature is still there, people know what's right to do. The author uses this quote as a reminder to people, pre means before, in case of using pre for his sentence, pre-political means before having the government. Therefore, he said but not pre-moral, understand that the State of Nature is, humans are born with moral.