Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blog #5: The economist.

"Land free starting look ungovernable enough is enough, no way to run a country" - The economist.

            The U.S is known as a big country that has a strongly growth on economy and science, technology, also a huge military. But, what is happening to the U.S now, which is really bad, a government has shut down nearly two weeks and not yet end. The economist has posted a news on their page about the U.S government has shutting down. On a news page of "The economist", they mostly gave us the facts about what's going on with the government, also the claims that they have written down for people who want this to stop because people can't take this anymore, they are uncomfortable with their feelings. A question people might ask is: "When will this problem end?"

            Claim: "When you are brawling on the edge of a cliff, the big question is not "Who is right?", but "What the hell are you doing on the edge of a cliff?" This question is a big title that people living in the U.S want their government to think about.
            -The quote that an author has written down, that all people ask their government. Folks are living in perturbation, "the talking time of government". They can't take it any longer; they want the government to think about their folks.  What would they do to live without being paid, no job, no money; what about the people who have a hard life condition that is receiving the help from the government, how will they be able to live? So this is a quote that I think it's about. People are complaining their government, and want the government to stop being care themselves more than caring the people.

            Fact: "The shutdown itself is tiresome but bearable. The security services will remain on duty, pensioners will still receive their cheques and the astronauts on the International Space Station will still be able to breathe. Some 800,000 non-essential staff at federal agencies (out of 2.8 millions) is being sent home, while another 1.3 millions are being asked to toil on without pay."
            -This quote is giving the fact of how workers and employees are dealing with the shutdown of the government. Basically, it tells us that the security of people is still remain safely, pensioners are doing ok without worrying; astronauts are used in a sentence as a metaphor that they still live alright and nothing is wrong with breathing, I mean the shutdown of government doesn't affect much in their life. But a large staff of federal agencies went home without pay; 1.3 millions are working as volunteers during the shutdown.

            Claims: "In the short term, House Republicans need to get their priorities straight. They should pass a clean budget resolution without trying to refight old battles over ObamaCare."
            -This quote is opinionated by an author; he thinks the U.S development and the benefits for people in the U.S need to be stabilized otherwise it could be a tragic event for America. Republicans need to be comfortable to Democrats rather than trying to fight them against the ObamaCare and making a harder life more citizens.

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